Experience SUPing like never before with our brand new AMANZI SUP Kit, designed for water adventurers. With the mighty 1000W SCUBAJET PRO jet engine, effortlessly cruise at speeds up to 11 km/h (7 mph) through the water.
A SUP board and a SUP paddle are all the basic equipment that generally already allows you to go for a ride. If you don’t like getting sunburned in the summer and don’t feel like chasing after your SUP board, then you might want to consider some extra gear. This will ensure a safe and comfortable ride.
One end of the safety leash attaches to the SUP board while the other end can easily be attached to your ankle or below your knee. Why would you even need one? Well, for one thing, when you ride through rough waters, you can find yourself swimming before you even know it. And without a leash, your board will soon drift away. When you get exhausted and suddenly find yourself in the water with the waves tossing you back and forth, your life can be in danger. In situations like that, you’ll truly appreciate having a safety leash so you can quickly get back on your board and head safely back to land.
Life vest
It's important to be aware of your swimming abilities and not overestimate how good you can swim. A life vest might put a dent in how cool you look on your SUP board, but safety comes first. For longer distances and cold weather conditions, a life vest is a must-have.
Protective dry suit
A SUP board can be used all year round. On colder days, when the water temperature is also low, a protective dry suit is an essential piece of equipment. A dry suit may not keep you as warm as the sun, but it will certainly prevent hypothermia if you land in the water. If you want to take your SUP board to fast moving waters, make sure you wear a helmet.
Food and drinks
Sometimes, when you watch paddle boarders on the calm water, they may seem to be gliding effortlessly. But don’t be fooled – stand-up paddle boarding is a full-body activity. Standing up and balancing takes a lot of energy. Be sure to take an energy bar with you so you’ll have enough energy to get back to land. And also bring plenty of water with you to quench your thirst and stay hydrated. Especially on hot summer days.
Sunscreen and sunglasses
The summer air and hot sun without proper protection is a combo that will have you looking like a boiled crab even after a short ride. So, take your sun cream with you and be sure to apply, apply and reapply. If the sun's rays hurt your eyes – put on your sunglasses and enjoy the view from your SUP board.
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avg. 7, 2019
Cenovni razpon SUP desk je širok. Za nakup deske lahko odšteješ vse od 300 evrov pa tja do 1500 evrov. Moj nasvet – naj te ne premami poceni SUP deska.
SUP deska in veslo za SUP predstavljata osnovno opremo, ki ti načeloma že omogoča supanje. Če nisi pristaš poletnih sončnih opeklin in ne bi rad, da ti SUP zbeži in je tvoja varnost ogrožena, potem je bolje, če s seboj vzameš še nekaj opreme.
Odvisno od tega, za kakšen namen boš SUP desko uporabljal. Trda deska je prava za tebe, če želiš postati profesionalni SUP mojster. Ravno tako se trda deska bolje obnese, če jo želiš uporabljati za surfanje na divjih
…takšna, ki je primerno oblikovana za vrsto rekreacije, ki si jo želiš izkusiti na SUP deski. Ne glede na namen, za katerega želiš desko uporabljati, pomembna podatka, ki ju
Supanje je super! SUP desko neseš v vodo, stopiš nanjo, pograbiš veslo in greš. Na prav edinstven način začneš odkrivati naravne lepote neposredno iz vode. Hitro, počasi, sede, stoje, sam, v dvoje... Pa precej preprosto je. Vse kar moraš za začetek obvladati je plavanje. Ni čudno, da z vsakim letom narašča število navdušenih suparjev.